Looking Forward

Passing through the midst of them, He went His way. Luke 4:30

In the theatrical version Jesus had more to say at the cliff’s edge. But in the gospels, He said nothing more. He just passed through the crowd and went on His way. In the gospel’s version, all that needed to be said had already been said at the synagogue.

Jesus had just returned from His 40-days in the wilderness being tested. He has now returned to His hometown, Nazareth of Galilee. Where He taught in the synagogues, Luke 4:15: being glorified by all. People were beginning to understand Jesus was a different kind of rabbi. In Nazareth, He is invited to read from the Scroll of Isaiah. 

What He read is recorded in Luke 4:17-19; having stopped mid-sentence of Isaiah’s prophecy. Then He closed the book, and gave it back to the attendant and sat down. And the eyes of all who were in the synagogue were fixed on Him, Verses 19-20. Apparently, they expected more. At least they expected Him to finish the reading. Or, to explain its meaning, which He did: Today this Scripture is fulfilled in your hearing, Verse 21.

When challenged by His interpretation, Jesus related the account of Elijah going to a Gentile widow in Sidon and blessing her, verse 26. And the Gentile leper who was healed of leprosy, Verse 27. So, all those in the synagogue, when they heard these things, were filled with wrath, Verse 28. In their wrath they led Jesus to a cliff near Nazareth to execute Him for blasphemy. But passing through the midst of them, He went His way, verse 20

With God, timing is everything. It was not Jesus’ time to die, so He passed through the vigilantes. Jesus still had many things to do and to teach. Until your time arrives, continue to do what God has given you to do. You have many disciples to teach. Therefore, be less concerned by those who gather against you and more aware of Jesus who is with you.

Devotions 2022

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