
For I am determined…1 Corinthians 2:2

What if we changed one word? For I am resolved to know nothing among you except Jesus Christ and Him crucified. Would that make a difference come tomorrow? Of all the resolutions we may make for next year, this one may make the biggest difference in our lives. 

We certainly appreciate a sincere compliment. And there is nothing wrong with being appreciated. The problem arises when we allow ourselves to be fueled by the opinions of others. When we allow circumstances to change, compliments turn into criticisms, we allow ourselves to become defeated. Left unchecked, we forget who we are in Christ returning to who we were. The past raises its ugly head. Our victory turns into defeat.

But, when we are determined to know nothing but Jesus, we remember who we really are. Victory returns. Let the world live on lies and deception. Too many teenage girls have allowed the falsehoods of social media to ruin their lives. Too many adults are allowing the lies of this fallen world to run their lives. Enough. 

Let us join Paul and live in the Spirit. Let our speech be a demonstration of the Spirit and His power and not of the ‘wisdom’ of this world, verse 3. Thant our faith should not be in the wisdom of men but in the power of God, verse 4. The wisdom of this world is not wisdom at all. It is human philosophy. Words strung together to sound smart.

According to Scripture, the mouth of the righteous speaks wisdom, and his tongue talks of justice, Psalm 37:30. This is you. You have been made righteous by the indwelling Holy Spirit. You are now equipped to instruct people in the wisdom of God. There is a worthwhile new year’s resolution: to know wisdom and instruction, to perceive the words of understanding, to receive the instruction of wisdom, justice, judgment, and equity. To give prudence to the simple to the you man knowledge and discretion, Proverbs 1:1-4

Devotions 2022

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