More Than A History

Imagine a novel that starts with: “In the beginning…”, and ends with: “…and they shall reign forever and ever.” Besides Heroes and villains, it includes different languages, poetry, and songs. The text is sourced from various eras, empires, and cultures. The characters are born, pass on their experience, and then die; …and you realize as you read, that you are facing the same crisis and needs in your own journey! It is beyond ‘Epic’; it is historical, yet it seems to include YOU!
With the sweeping narrative, arise sub-plots, biographies of major characters, and their poems and even songs written about them! Hundreds of rabbit-trail details weave themselves into the story and become indispensable connections to the reader; drawing him or her into the story to such a degree that the voice of the Author begins speaking from the pages. It is interactive!
Who could have imagined that the universe was created with us always in mind, because The Creator wanted to watch our smiles and joy of wonder?
As the mysteries are finally revealed, (Deuteronomy 29:29) it is clear that this book, the Bible, could not have been written by any mere human. WHO could bring all of world history around to the only possible conclusion, then prove the crisis was solved long BEFORE the game-ending dilemma of sin was ever born?WHO could make Man and His beloved Maker one again, and though it were completely impossible for mankind; WHO could hand him, (YOU!) the choice once again?
Only our Father, and our Creator, and our Deliverer… JESUS CHRIST!
Sing His praises, Ye of faith. He can handle anything; and He loves you!