Living Faith, part 3
For we are His workmanship, created in Christ Jesus for good works…Ephesians 2:10
We are not saved by good works. We are created for good works. Faith in the law, or works, for salvation is dead faith. Faith in Jesus for salvation is living faith. Dead faith does not have good works. Therefore, James wrote: Show me your faith without your works, and I will show you my faith by my works, James 2:18. A response to God is living faith. Dead faith remains in the confession from the mouth without conviction in the heart. Dead faith is the faith of demons. You believe there is one God. You do well. Even the demons believe, and tremble, James 2:19. Living faith removes all fear.
Dead faith is a life without energy, without love, without holiness. It is a body without a spirit, dead, James 2:26. Living faith is a life which exalts God, exemplifies Christ, walks in the Spirit. It is a new created body with life from above, born of incorruptible seed, 1 Peter 1:23. It is a life led by the Spirit away from sin. Those without hope live by faith that is dead; heartless, self-serving, proud of their sin.
Living faith hears the word of God, reacts to the leading of the Spirit, and is born again by Jesus. Having been made alive in Christ, you are now fully capable of performing all the functions of faith; good works. You desire to be imitators of God, Ephesians 5:1. Your trust is in God’s ability to complete what He has begun in you, Philippians 1:6. You are grieved when you stumble in your walk; but not destroyed, 2 Corinthians 4:9. You may struggle with your walk; but not with your faith. Your faith is not dead. It is alive. For you are in Christ.