Most Useful Book

Not knowing the Scriptures…Matthew 22:29

Not knowing what the Bible says is a real problem. In Matthew, Chapter 22, the problem was regarding marriage in the resurrection. The Sadducees rejected the idea of the resurrection by not knowing the Scriptures. Some today make the same mistake. They make assumptions about what is true and false upon human wisdom ignoring God’s wisdom in the Scriptures. Not knowing the Scriptures, they also did not know the power of God. Verse 29: You are mistaken, not knowing the Scriptures nor the power of God. By rejecting the resurrection, the Sadducees also limited God’s power to raise the dead. Big mistake.

Not knowing the Bible is a cancer. One false doctrine leads to another growing like a cancer in the Church. Sometimes beginning elsewhere. For this reason, we must be vigilant in knowing what the Bible actually says.

Let’s face facts.

1. To be ignorant of the Bible is to not know the real Jesus. Jesus is real. He is not a character in a wonderfully plotted storybook called The Bible. The real Jesus is not dead. He is very much alive

2.  Not knowing the real Jesus is to become increasingly hard-hearted. A real problem. The hard hearted of this world are given over to their vile passions by God. That’s in the Bible, Romans, Chapter 1.

3. Not knowing the Scriptures means you remain in your sins. A really serious problem. In addition, not knowing the Bible means you don’t know what to do when you stumble in your faith and sin. Romans, Chapters 6 and 7.

4. Not knowing what the Bible really says means you are missing out on all your spiritual blessings you have already received. That’s in the Bible; Ephesians, Ch. 1. 

5. Not knowing the Scriptures means you don’t know the power of God. Not knowing the power of God means you are missing out on the fruit of the Spirit. That’s in the Bible, Galatians, Chapter 5.

6. Not knowing the Bible means you fall for every religious gimmick for sale. Why buy what God has already given you for free? That’s in the Bible, Isaiah, Chapter 56, verse 11.

The Bible is all we need. Which is in the Bible: All Scripture is given by inspiration of God, and is profitable for doctrine, for reproof, for correction, for instruction in righteousness. 2 Timothy 3:16. For this reason, God instructs us to become a worker who does not need to be ashamed, rightly dividing the word of truth, 2 Timothy 2:15.

Devotions 2023

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