No Worries

But not so among you…Luke 22:26

This Jesus said to His disciples regarding His kingdom, Luke 22, Verses 20 thru 30. Those not of His kingdom exercise lordship over others exercising authority, verse 25. But not so among you, verse 26. Like Jesus, we come to serve, not to be served. Our calling is to serve. This frees us to serve wherever—whenever. Today we may serve the Lord here, tomorrow over there, next month way over there. We are free. Our faith is planted like a tree—not our feet. 

Why? Because we are those who have continued with Him in His trails, verse 28. More accurately, But you are those who have continued with Me in My trials. What happened to Jesus happens to them. What happened to them happens to all His disciples; therefore us. This suffering comes with great reward, verse 29: And I bestow upon you a kingdom, just as My Father bestowed one upon Me, that you may eat and drink at My table in My kingdom, and sit on thrones judging the twelve tribes of Israel. Not that we expect to sit on thrones judging others, but we have been invited to sit at His table.

When? Each time we celebrate communion. This is His promise as recorded earlier in Luke, chapter 22, regarding the Lord’s supper, verses 14 thru 23. This is grace. This is God’s promise of the resurrection. How can we drink and eat with Him in His kingdom unless we are resurrected from the dead? Can’t. This is grace.

So what? This is why we are different. We have been transformed. We are a new creation. We are born from above by the Spirit of God. We live and breathe by His abundant grace. We serve by His grace. By His grace we enjoy life eternal now; each minute of every day. Others worry about tomorrow, but not so among you.

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