Trusting is Not Easy

He who believes in the Son has everlasting life…John 3:36

Earlier, John 3:15, Jesus said those who believe in Him have eternal life. It is the same Greek word, NT166, rightly translated as everlasting or eternal; without end, never to cease. Interestingly, it can also mean without beginning and end, that which always has been and always will be. Like God. Do not be misled, you are not becoming God. You have been given a gift from God: everlasting life. Jesus explains: For as the Father has life in Himself, so He has granted the Son to have life in Himself, John 5:26. A life Jesus grants to those who believe. That’s you.

This life we have been given is amazing, like the grace that granted us life. It is a spiritual life. We were once spiritually dead. Because we believe in Jesus, we have been granted life. It is a Spirit-filled life. We were once empty. But now, because of Jesus, we have been given His Holy Spirit; and the disciples were filled with joy and with the Holy Spirit, Acts 13:52. Therefore, everlasting life is a joy-filled life.

Spiritual life is not easy to find.  Because narrow is the gate and difficult is the way which leads to life, and there are few who find it, Matthew 7:14. Believing in Jesus is not easy. It is not simply saying, “I believe.” Believing is trusting. Trusting is a living faith. A living faith is dynamic. It is described as a “difficult way.”

The gate is narrow. Many will seek to enter, but will not be able, Luke 13:24. Not because they were prevented. But because they would not choose to enter. They saw the gate but chose the ‘broad way’ leading to destruction. You saw the gate and you entered. Entering you was given everlasting life.

The way is difficult. Jesus did not lie. The way to Him is troublesome. The word He used is also used to describe pressing grapes into juice; to compress. You had to fight through the unbelieving crowd to find the gate. But you did. You had to squeeze yourself through the gate against all those wanting you to not believe. But you did.

Never let anyone try to convince you that you have taken the easy way out. That you have turned to religion, the opiate of the people. There is nothing easy about following Jesus. Receiving life is simple. All you have to do is believe. Following Jesus is not easy. Because you have to trust. Which you are doing. 

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