Enjoy God’s Love

Vanity of vanities, all is vanity…Ecclesiastes 1:2

Solomon uses the word vanity over thirty times in Ecclesiastes. The Hebrew word literally means vapor, or breath or a gentle breeze. Perhaps this is why Solomon compares life to a vapor. Visible but temporary; here and then gone; like the morning fog. Chapter 1, verse 14: I have seen all the works that are done under the son; and indeed, all is vanity, and grasping for the wind. You work hard all your life and for what? Solomon says life is uncertain; a mystery.

Solomon is the richest and wisest man on earth. He refers to himself as The Preacher (or teacher). In chapter 2 he reveals the heart of too many people: Why even try. Worse, I tried everything in this life to satisfy myself and failed. All my labor turned to nothing in my hands. Like grasping for the wind, verse 11. 

The Preacher continues, we all die. Both the fool and the wise end up in the grave. Therefore, I hated life because the work that was done under the sun was distressing to me, for all is vanity and grasping for the wind, verse 17. Why work? We die only to leave our heritage to the man who has not labored for it. This is also vanity and a great evil, verse 21.

Life is just too short; vanity. Time will erase all memory of our life, vanity. We all die. The good die. The bad die. Everyone ends up in the grave; vanity. Life is a collection of random circumstances. Whether rich or poor, others determine our fate; vanity. Life is unclear; like the morning fog.

It is a good thing we know how the book ends: Let us hear the conclusion of the whole matter: Fear God and keep His commandments, for this is man’s all, chapter 12; verse 13. Good news. Without the gospel, life is meaningless—depressing—vain. But with Christ all things are possible.

Without the conclusion, by the time we read all the verses that contain ‘vanity’ we might just throw in the towel. But that is the point. Quit worrying about tomorrow. Quit striving for wealth. Just live. There is no normal life; there is just life. Life is a vapor. Enjoy the quiet love of God’s provisions! 

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