
He departed to a solitary place…Mark 1:35

The word translated ‘solitary’ is most often translated as “wilderness.” It literally means lonely or deserted by others—solitary. Jesus sought out such a place to pray. Some people do not seek out such isolation; solitude finds them. God led His people into the wilderness for a reason. He was leading them from Egypt to Canaan. God was leading them from one place to a better place. Could some of us be experiencing the same thing?

Jesus was led into the wilderness by the Spirit, Mark 1:12. Jesus was there forty days. During those days He was tested by Satan and ministered to by angels, Mark 1:13. Could some of us be likewise tested? If so, do we have the same promise?

Yes! For He Himself has said, “I will never leave you nor forsake you.” Hebrews 13:5 quoted from Deuteronomy 31:6, 8 and Joshua 1:5. What was promised to Moses and to Joshua has been brought forward to you. 

How long will our wilderness experience last? Hopefully not 40 years. Maybe 40 days? God knows what we need and for how long. We can look to the Bible for some answers. First, Jesus was ministered to by angels. So, we might also expect supernatural help. Second, the Israelites in the wilderness were led by God. He was their light by night and their cloud by day. He provided their daily bread (manna) and their meat (quail). He prolonged their clothing. 

Perhaps our experience will reveal some things about us also. God brought them into the wilderness to find Him. Jesus called the apostles to preach and He took care of their needs. While serving Jesus, they served others. In doing so, they found out some truths about themselves. Might we also?

If we, or someone we know, is experiencing some kind of wilderness, we should pray for them. This is what Jesus did when He sought out a solitary place. With our prayers they can move past the loneliness of the solitude into the very presence of God. God does not abandon us. Nor do we abandon each other.

Devotions 2023

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