Living Debt Free, Part 3

Remember the Law of Moses…Malachi 4:4

Before the long silence, God spoke through Malachi. Before the arrival of John the Baptist, there were hundreds of years of silence from the prophets. Malachi chapter 4 are the final words of the last prophet before John. God’s last words announced the arrival of Jesus, the Messiah of Israel, “the Sun of Righteousness” verse 2.

When He arrived, He would heal people, “with healing in His wings” (verse 2). The hem of His garments, Matthew 9:20. Before Jesus arrived, God would send Elijah, Verse 5. John is the spirit of Elijah, Luke 1:17. John prepared the way for the first coming of Christ. Who would heal people of their diseases and their sins. Elijah will prepare the way of His second coming, the great and dreadful day of the LORD, Malachi 4:5. 

Meanwhile, we are to remember the writings of God, Malachi 4:4: The Law of Moses, with all their statutes and judgments. For they are God-breathed, profitable for teaching, conviction, correction and for instruction in righteousness, 2 Timothy 3:16.

It is through teaching the truths of Jesus Christ that our hearts will be turned, Verse 6. There are two views of this turning of hearts. First, the turning of fathers to their sons and sons to their fathers. Second, the turning of the patriarchs of Israel to the sons of Israel and the sons to their patriarchs. 

In both, the turning of hearts to the profitable truth of Scripture. We can not afford to be silent. We are called upon to teach sound doctrine for the conviction, correction and instruction in righteousness, that every man of God may be complete, thoroughly equipped for every good work, 2 Timothy 3:16:17. In doing so, we do our part in setting the captives free, Isaiah 61:1-2 in preparation for that great and dreadful day of the LORD. Now, that is living debt free.

Devotions 2023

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Living Debt Free, Part 2