Holy Convocation

Sabbath of solemn rest, a holy convocation…Leviticus 23:3

What began in the Garden remains today. God has always wanted intimate fellowship with us. For this reason, we are encouraged to meet with one another. For that is what the word convocation means, a sacred assembly; something called out. We are blessed to have many opportunities for gathering together as a church family. We enjoy home fellowships, various Bible studies, or just sharing a meal and of course, church. In fact, the Greek word translated church literally means, called out. 

At Mt. Sinai God instructed His people about His desire to meet with them. From Mt. Sinai God instructed Moses regarding His many feasts, The Feasts of the LORD. Each is called by God a holy convocation. The first is Passover. A feast which begins and ends with a Sabbath. A day of rest to remind us God is our Creator. On these Sabbaths, God’s people were to rest and eat: no manner of work shall be done on them, but that which everyone must eat—that only may be prepared by you, Exodus 12:16b. We come by our tradition—when we meet, we eat—honestly.

It is God who called out or invited people to join in the holy convocation. This is the meaning of the Hebrew word translated convocation. It is an invitation. An invitation from God Almighty, our Creator and our Redeemer. An invitation to assemble together not just to eat, but to hear from Him. Therefore, the implied meaning is reading; the hearing of the word of God which brings forth faith.

There is yet another meaning in the Hebrew word for convocation; rehearsal. These feasts of the Lord are meant to be dress rehearsals of the coming of Jesus.  In His first coming, we celebrate our exodus out of slavery to sin. At His second coming—our eternal communion with Him. We have much to do while we wait for His coming. We have a two-fold mission: make disciples and celebrate our freedom.  Oh, and eat; giving thanks to God for all His provisions. Amazing Grace!

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