God Is Good

Or is a eunuch…Leviticus 21:20

The service of the priesthood was sacred to the Lord. Only a descendant of Aaron, a Levite, could serve as a priest. Of those men, certain were disqualified to approach the altar because of a defect. A eunuch was such a defect. He could eat of the bread of God, but he could not offer the bread, verse 17. The enemy of God is attempting to make more men eunuchs. That is, unfit to serve God.

Certain people are afraid of real men. For this reason, pagan kings chose eunuchs as custodians of their concubines. Some of these men rose to occupy positions of great authority. Philip met such a eunuch returning to Ethiopia from Jerusalem, Acts 8:27. When they met, the eunuch was reading from Isaiah and asked, of whom does the prophet say this, of himself or of some other man? Verse 34. This eunuch wanted to be baptized, verse 36. It appears, he confessed with his mouth what he believed in his heart. He wanted what others had received in Jerusalem during Pentecost.

The enemy is behind this gender movement. Our enemy does not want real men nor real women. This global movement emasculates men and denigrates women. It appears, real men and real women are feared by some people. They should be afraid. They should worry about that moment when we are pushed too far. They should be fearful of our response. 

Our response is the gospel. The gospel brings people to their knees. The gospel requires people to look inside themselves to reconsider all they have said and all they have done. The gospel is the power of God to salvation, Romans 1:6: For I am not ashamed of the gospel of Christ, for it is the power of God to salvation to everyone who believes… Everyone!

Though they may reject the gospel, the death, burial, and resurrection of Jesus, they will not be able to reject the power of God. At some point every knee will bow, every tongue will confess, Isaiah 45:23. Real men and real women of faith make people afraid. This is not bad. You have God the Spirit and He is a fearful power to be reckoned with. The Spirit is also He who draws people to you. When Jesus is preached, He draws people to Himself. Even the eunuch. God is good.

Devotions 2023

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