God’s Glory

As the waters cover the sea…Habakkuk 2:14

The prophet is called upon to preach grace: the just shall live by his faith, chapter 2, verse 4. This is a strong contrast to the wicked who builds a town with bloodshed, who establishes a city by iniquity, chapter 2, verse 12. Then we read verse 14: for the earth will be filled with the knowledge of the glory of the LORD, as the waters cover the sea.

Think on this promise. There is coming a time when the glory of God will be so widespread the knowledge of His glory will cover earth as water covers the sea. That is Hebrew poetry at its best. As the sea is water and the glory of God is glorious, our personal knowledge of God’s glory will be water upon water—grace upon grace—obvious upon obvious. Inconceivable!

Our Lord Jesus Christ will be here—on earth. Jesus is the glory of God incarnate. God’s glory will be here in Jesus. His glory will reveal the vast space between God and His creation. Jesus will transcend all created things. Jesus will be seen as He is in heaven: Lord of lords—King of kings. The earth will be filled with His glory.

His glory will be revealed as righteousness incarnate. We shall see Him as He really is! We will see Jesus, our Savior—our Redeemer—our Mediator—our High Priest, and our King! This knowledge of His glory will not merely be head knowledge, but personal. Our knowledge will go beyond spiritual, but physical; beyond superficial to profound. Worship at its deepest level.

At the transfiguration three of the apostles got a glimpse of His glory. This experience prepared them to preach the gospel of salvation in earnest. All will bow when they see Jesus. Only those who know His glory shall bow in humble adoration of Who Jesus is! This we preach. 

We can argue all day about doctrines, but only those who know in Whom they believe are believers. When the earth is filled then we will remember the Psalms which spoke of the glory of God above—in His temple; above the heavens; above the tabernacle; above the temple, etc. We shall remember Psalm 72:19: And blessed be His glorious name forever! And let the whole earth be filled with His glory. Amen and Amen. You will be there when this prophecy is fulfilled. Amen.

Devotions 2023

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