
For I have decided…Titus 3:12

The Apostle Paul made many decisions during his mission trips. Not only Paul, but also the church leaders, Acts 15 and Acts 27. Their decisions were preceded by prayer followed by action. The Bible records many decisions made by people. Some decisions were not good. Others were great. Good decisions were preceded by prayer.

Like the word resolve of Romans 14:13, and the word discern, Hebrews 5:14, the word decided is from the word judge. We are to make judgements which are preceded by prayer. The same is true about our decisions and our discernments and our resolutions.

So, when we sign, I have decided to follow Jesus, we affirm our prayerful judgements with a resolve to FOLLOW JESUS. A decision without action is a dream. When Jesus said to His apostles, “Follow Me” they responded. They acted. They left their jobs and walked with Jesus. 

This is you. Jesus asked you to follow Him and you did. Maybe you didn’t leave your job (or, maybe you did) but you dropped your past and followed Him. You became His disciple. A disciple is one who has dropped their past. One who has realized their chains are gone. One who has resolved to live a life of freedom in Christ!

Jesus sets us free. But not everyone will accept His freedom. To one such person who said, “Lord, I will follow You, but let me first go and bid them farewell to those who are at my house.” Luke 9:61 To him Jesus said, “No one, having put his hand to the plow, and looking back, is fit for the kingdom of God”Luke 9:62.

What if we looked at this stern statement from another angle? Those fit for the kingdom of God refuse to look backwards, at their past, where they have been. But rather, those who follow Jesus have their eyes on the Lord. No one can make a straight furrow looking back. No one can drive on a highway looking in the mirrors. Mirrors are for going in reverse, not forward.

Resolutions are for going forward. They are for those who have decided to follow Jesus, no looking back. Like you.

Devotions 2023

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