New Means New

He is a new creation…2 Corinthians 5:17 & Galatians 6:15

Therefore, if anyone is in Christ, he is a new creation; all things have passed way; behold, all things have become new. 2 Corinthians 5:17. If you are in Christ, you are a new creation! 

Why do people continue to argue with God’s word? If you are in Christ, that is, born again, then you are a new creation. All things have passed. All things have become new. Period!

Even so, people still want to teach you are a work in progress. That others are supposed to be patient with you because God is not finished with you yet. Where is that in the Bible? 

You are new. You are not a renovation project in process. You are not God’s remodel. You are new. 

God has done what Ezekiel said He would do: I will give them a new heart and put a new spirit with you…Ezekiel 36:26a.

Yet, people still want you to believe your heart is not new, or only partly new, or in the process of becoming new. Why? They want to control you with their rules. You are free. Stay free.

Look up the word ‘new’ in your Bible dictionary. In Hebrew it is the word khaw-dawsh, OT2319. The word means new. It does not mean renewed, or refurbished, or rebuilt. OT2319 is a Hebrew adjective that means new. OT2318, from the same root word, is a verb, which means to renew.  The Bible says God gave you a new heart. Therefore, you have a new heart! 

The same is true in Greek. The word is kai-nos, NT2537. The word means new; not almost new, not remodeled, not newish. You have a new heart!

So, when someone tells you differently, say to yourself, “That is not what God says!” Just as importantly. When you do something wrong and say to yourself, “maybe, I’m not new.” Remind yourself of what God said, you are a new creation! 

Who are you going to believe? Believe God. New is new.

Devotions 2023

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