Water Of Life

Water certainly gives so much, but it also has a very dangerous side. Like the earth must have water, your life as one of faith couldn’t even exist without God’s grace, but those same undeserved blessings are the opposite for the man who hates God. The leaks in a mighty Dam that holds back a great reservoir warn of a coming disaster that will not give, but take and tear and pound, and destroy. We don’t even want to think of it!
Today’s world is filling to the brim with wars and rumors of wars, famines, diseases and societal problems. These are like a growing number of cracks in the dam of God’s blessings. He gives life, but He also offers warnings of a limited patience to those who long for a good world. The evil we see should turn our eyes to God, to cry out for mercy, and wait on Him, but the mercy won’t come the way this world wants mercy.
For example, the world is crying out for a merciful ceasefire on the terrorist organization, Hamas, in Gaza. But the solution is easier than that! Hamas could stop killing and hating and return the hostages they are mistreating so horribly, and there would be peace tomorrow! Simple.
That is just one example of many where the solutions are easy except men prefer their own ways to God’s ways. Let your hate for sin in your life grow, because the pressure behind the dam is building! Read Psalm 37! It will become one of your favorites as the world grows worse and worse.
“Do not fret because of evildoers, nor be envious of the workers of iniquity, for they shall soon be cut down like grass,”
In God’s perfect timing, the dam of His patience will break and wash away MUCH of the evil. We will once again experience His living waters bringing peaceful life everywhere. …the pressure behind the dam is building!