Job Got It Right!
My transgression is sealed…Job 14:17
Job knew God’s forgiveness. Consider Job 14:16 and 17 together: For now, You number my steps, but do not watch over my sin. My transgression is sealed up in a bag, and You cover my iniquity. As far as Job was concerned, all three were gone: his sin, his transgression, and his iniquity. Whatever difference there may have been in his mind, one thing was clear to Job, all three were canceled by God.
So it was with Job, so it is with you.
Job knew what you know. God did not compromise in His mercy. Nor did God compromise in your newness. You wear His eternal signature—His Holy Spirit. As a king would seal his written words with his ring, God has sealed you with His Spirit. Like Job, your sins, your transgressions, and your iniquities have been bundled into a bag and sealed by the King. God has you covered. You have been set free by Jesus.
Unlike the scroll of Revelation chapter 5, Jesus shall not break the seal given to you by God the Father. Now He who establishes us with you in Christ has anointed us is God—who has sealed us and given us the Spirit in our hearts as a guarantee, 2 Corinthians 1:21-22. What God has done, cannot be undone. You have been established—anointed—sealed, you have His guarantee of your place in Christ.
You have been sealed with the Holy Spirit of promise, Ephesians 1:13, unto the day of redemption, Ephesians 4:30; for this reason, we do not grieve the Holy Spirit, having let go of all bitterness, all wrath, all anger, all clamor and all evil speaking, Ephesians 4:31. Instead, we are kind, we are tenderhearted, we are forgiving of each other…because God in Christ has forgiven us, Verse 32!
No, God did not compromise when He created you anew. You wear His signature! You carry His Spirit. You wear His righteousness. You have been made again into His image—being conformed to His Son, Jesus.
Job got it right!