Living Faith, part 7

Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made us free…Galatians 5:1

You are free in Christ. You are free from salvation by works. You are free from always wondering if you have done enough good works to prove you are saved. This is the message of both James and Paul. Galatians 2:16: knowing that a man is not justified by the works of the law but by faith. James 2:24: You see then that a man is justified by works, and not by faith only. Huh?

To the Jew, one is justified by keeping the law, by obeying Moses, by sacrifices. To the Catholic one is saved by attending mass, by honoring the sacraments, by paying for one’s sins. To the evangelical one is saved by going to church, by consistent quiet time and prayer. What does the Bible say? How does James describe justification in James, chapter 2?

Verse 21: Was not Abraham our father justified by works when he offered Isaac his son on the altar? Abraham did this once; not over and over again. Not only that, Abraham did not hear God and say, “That’s a good idea.” And then not do it. Abraham had a living faith which caused him to act once. And for this single act of faith he was justified. Likewise, Rahab who was justified by works, when she obeyed God one time. She also acted. Unlike the demons who believe, but do not act on their belief.

You heard and you acted. You heard the gospel and you responded by faith. Unlike the demons, you believe and worship God. Like Abraham and Rahab, you heard and by your single act of faith you were justified. You have completed all that James is asking. You have been saved by your single act of asking for forgiveness. You are now free from constantly wondering if you have enough time to work out your own salvation. It is finished.

Stand fast in the liberty wherewith Christ has made you free!

Devotions 2023

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