The Real War
We do not wrestle against flesh and blood…Ephesians 6:12
Our battle is with principalities, against powers, against rulers of the darkness of this age, against spiritual hosts of wickedness in the heavenly places; not flesh and blood, Ephesians 6:12. The war is at our door. If we watch any television at all, the war is in our home.
Years ago we were told by the gay community that what they did behind closed doors was their business and not ours. We knew then this was a lie. They will not be satisfied until we admit we are wrong and they are right. Today, we are told to keep our religious beliefs to ourselves, behind the closed doors of our home. Not within the closed doors of our public meetings but at home. This “freedom” will not last. Soon they will not tolerate our religious views anywhere, even at home.
This is the nature of our war against the spiritual hosts of wickedness. There will be no peace settlement, no peace agreement, no terms of surrender. We are the problem and we must be silenced then eliminated. This is the way of the rulers of the darkness, Satan is the liberator—God is the oppressor. Satan is the light—you are of the darkness. They will continue their diatribe against The Law—any law that interferes with their god.
This is evident in the transgender movement. They are claiming the right to determine their own gender. This is the ultimate “name it and claim it” heresy. They claim they can speak into existence whatever gender they desire. This is the ultimate self-identity religion. When you publicly claim to not believe in God, He gives you over to your debased mind. When you reject salvation by God who became Man, then you accept the doctrine you can become god. This sounds familiar because it is the story of the fall of Satan. This is the nature of sin.
They are winning. Or it seems that way. The true is, they have already lost. That is the nature of the lost—the unsaved—the unregenerate, they reject truth. The Bible tells us what to do, Ephesians 6:13- 14: Put on the full armor of God and stand… Standing for truth means defending while attacking, praying always, verse 18.